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The Sea Fishing Video Review Page
VMO (Veals Mail Order) Videos A-Z Series:
Fishing the Bristol Channel No.1 Aust to Brean Down
With Mike Ladle and Nigel Ainscough
Cost: 12.95 UKP
This video comes packaged in a cream coloured jacket with purple writing, and has in the central location on the front a black and white photo of a chap, holding a large Cod...... unfortunately, and some may say somewhat misleading to boot, is the fact that this fish is not caught by the above presenters, nor indeed does it feature in the video except as a still photo insert....... The back of the Video jacket has a map, well it's a sort of map, almost (well not even close if truth be told) as good as you'll find on some tea-towels at seaside resorts!!!!!!! Oh well to be fair, I guess you don't buy a video for it's packaging.......
Open the case up, and inside is 1. the video (more of which we shall talk about later), and 2. a very nice touch, which is the inclusion of an A4 sheet of stiff paper called The Fact File.... This contains basic, yet very useful information about a variety of locations in terms of Access to the given venue, best tides to fish, and the species to catch. The locations given are: Aust*, Severn Beach, Battery Point, Clevedon, Kingston Seymour, Sand Point*, Sand Bay / Kew Stoke, Birnbeck Island, Weston Super Mare, and Brean Down*.
Of these locations, those that have a "*" are seen to be fished by the presenters....... the rest are either panned shots in the video with voice over, or missed out...... So whilst a very useful inclusion, it still gives a somewhat distorted impression of what the video has to offer.......
The Video (times are approx.)
VMO Promotion..... fine, I have no problem with this, after all it is a VMO production, BUT.... it does look rather an amateurish attempt, with out of focus catalogue page snap shots, and pan shots of the warehouse floor etc. with Dave Box doing a simple but informative voice over....
Introduced to the presenters at Aust, a description of the venue, sort of clothing to be worn at a muddy site etc.... The video quality is poor (it has to be said that this was a major detracting feature through out the whole video), with washed-out colour and some moiré and dither effects over the presenters faces.... poor editing around 6.30mins with a break in sound and visuals...... chat continues between Mike and Nigel about the types of fish to be caught, and the baits to use, although codling features the most.... so lug dominates the discussion, and the problems in obtaining it locally.... Access to the site is covered, but again a very poor quality map is used, whose scale is wholly in appropriate, and would have been much more useful to have seen a local scaled version instead. Tides are discussed with very useful information about the maximum tides to be fished, and the use of grip leads and tactics for such a severe tidal run.......
15-15.30 mins:
Cod swimming in a tank..... Mike does a short voice over about the feeding habits of cod..... one gets the impression that this has been included to give credence by the use of pseudo-science / visual proofing........
A short chat about the rig to use...... for codling mainly..... get the basics about Breakaway leads, and just manage to talk about size 1 hooks....
Tackle Talk..... rods reels etc... all rather basic and superficial..... Gets back to a rig discussion, the use of appropriate breaking strain shockleaders, and some useful stuff on the use of bait stops, and clip down pennell rigs......
Start fishing.... with a quick plug for the VMO rig wallets (visual rather than vocal)....
Mike makes a comment about how impressive Nigels casting abilities are, but we really don't get to see them.... Mike gets a bite, has trouble with getting the grips out of the mud (obviously set them too tight), but manages to bring in a small whiting..... Nigel soon has a codling of around 1.5 lb., followed by a small whiting....... suggests that longer casting gets results, Nigel casts out for Mike, and Mike pulls in an eel..... Nigel then pulls in a double shot, with a very small whiting and a codling....
Second venue.... Severn Beach..... this consists of panned shots of the venue, with voice over by Nigel about access, tides, and the sort of species to catch.... with a written summary projected at the end, as do most of the summary voice overs.....
Portishead / Battery Point...... voice over by Dave Box and again a very poor quality map to give short directions
Video shots and voice over by Nigel about access, rigs and species, and the mention of 25lb cod (along with still photo insert of the pic on the front box cover)......
Clevedon..... poor quality map and voice over directions by Dave Box, followed by video and voice over by Nigel, and a lot of still photos for Clevedon pier, followed by Ladye Bay..... access, rigs, tides, species etc....
Sand Point: poor map and voice over directions by Dave Box
Start fishing (no intro by the pair of presenters).... video quality very poor with the tracking all over the place...... I tried to be fair,..... I tested the copy out on 5 machines... all with the same poor quality not only for the tracking in this place, but the colour and sound quality through-out.....
Nigel gets stuck in to a codling of around 3.5lb and then one of about 2.5lb.... then we have a chat about other species with lots of still photo inserts of things like thorn-back ray etc..... they talk about a conger that's just been caught at the same time as they are fishing, but we don't get to see it......... this is then followed by a general chat about the venue......
Talk about rigs to use, and the maintenance of hooks. Nigel shows how to put together a lug and squid parcel, along with the use of a double pat system to maximize ones fishing time.... all good stuff.....
Cod in a fishtank pt.2. .... mike tells us about the size of a cods mouth in relationship to water temperature...... uuummmmm......
Weston Super Mare: pan shots with Nigel doing a talk over about access, rigs and species etc.....
Brean Down..... Poor quality map and access voice over by Dave.... pan shots and talk over by Nigel, including bait digging (or not)... the variety of species to catch (little bit about fishing for bass), and a sound warning about being cut-off and trapped by the advancing tide!!!!!!
Start fishing, but the presenters are having a chit chat.... mainly off camera
Nigel gets a codling of around 3.5lb, on a lug and crab cocktail..... (would have been nice to see him prepare the crab... something that a lot of anglers have problems with..).. the way this fish is landed, puts into question the personal safety of the presenters, and indeed anyone wishing to fish this venue.....
Nigels into another codling (around the 6lb mark?)....... why if you go to such a location were they not equipped with a landing net... how Nigel didn't go into the drink is a miracle..... or just an act of sheer stupidity...... should have given a lot more advice and taken it about the safety required when fishing rocky venues......
Mike and Nigel have a summing up chat, about tactics and rigs for the venue (should really have had this at the start!!!) sheltering behind a bush, with pan shots of the venue inserted on occasions.... The End
VMO Promotion, along with a few tackle shop addresses......
Final Comments:
A rather poor quality video, in terms of colour, sound and tracking (at times), use of poor visual aids, with basic information content (although maybe too basic in parts or just badly presented) that falls short of the allure and promise of the packaging. It's best inclusion, is not in the video itself, but the supporting fact file, although being able to see a venue is very useful..... why not show what high water marks look like at low water for instance.... this was done for Aust, so why not the rest???.
The real acid test would be the question: would you buy it again?..... Yes, I would, it does give valuable info on many venues, but I would like to see a lot more care taken about the content, and audio/visual presentation for any future releases of this series.
I phoned Veals today (29thOct.1997), they are planning to bring out a second video in the series, which will continue further down the Bristol Channel to Ilfracombe..... just what we want, I only hope that they have learnt from the previous attempt... we shall see.....
Rig Basics 1
An Instructional Video
Presented by Dave Box and Nigel Ainscough
Price: 6.95 UKP
The packaging is simple with the above information, plus the statement.."Popular beach rigs, and how to tie them. Close up on knots and tackle required". The back of the case has a simple overview of the presenters and what the video is about.
The first thing that strikes me, is that if this is to be an instructional video as the packaging suggests, then would not the inclusion of a summary sheet or booklet, with diagrams, of rigs and knots, along with a glossary of terms, have been a really rather good idea....... oh no, silly me, novice anglers would never need such a thing!!!!!!
The Video (time in minutes is approx.)
Veals promotion footage...........
Introduction by Dave Box with Nigel at his side...... both presenters are sat behind a long trestle table with various pieces of equipment in front of them...... unfortunately these long shots (of which there are many), of the presenters are out of focus, along with washed out colour, which just to adds to the visual delight!!!!!! The shorter close-ups are however in focus..... do not adjust your television sets.........
The basic content of the chat starts with Nigel explaining about the types of line to be used for rig making, and covers well the safety and abrasion resistance aspects of the topic....
Knots...... well just the uni-knot to be precise, Nigel recommends this for everything....... can't really comment on this 'cos I tend to do exactly the same....... However, It must have been apparent to Dave Box, that with all the best will in the world, tying knots is one of the most feared aspects of this sport for the novice (for whom I would expect this video to be aimed at). The demonstrations of knot tying by Nigel, simply emphasised the necessity for some form of diagrammatic support in this area..... hands and fingers, always obscure to a degree what the demonstrator is trying to show.........
Another knot...... the sliding or stop knot...... this is shown in conjunction with the use of sequins and power gum for the production of bait stops, and why they are such a good idea...... again the failure of diagrammatic support is self evident.......
The use of lead links, and the safety aspects of their use and the protection offered by them to the abrasion of line..... Dave runs through a selection of lead links available, with their pros and cons......
Nigel runs through the types of bait clips that are available, and why one may wish to use them, and also runs through their attachment to the main trace line......
Impact shields.... presenters not quite on the ball and have mislaid a pre-made trace.. to their credit, they build one in front of camera (would have been a good idea at the outset, so the novice can see more constructional detail).... introduced to crimps (stops), with some helpful tips about their use.......
Snoods...... use of Amnesia line, and the attachment of snoods to the main trace line...... talk about swivels (bit of an after thought!!), and an explanation of the double pat.system..... some good common sense tips in this section....
This section looks at a number of made-up traces, with which Dave and Nigel attempt to re-enforce what has been said before, along with a number of additional handy hint and tips, such as how to avoid the unclipping of bait during the power stroke of casting......
The rigs featured are: 2-boom flattie rig, single clip down for long range, a Bomber rig with pennell, and a Wishbone....... AGAIN some form of diagrammatic representation would have gone a long way. Either in the form of a supporting booklet, or as a video insert...... this is the age of the micro chip, and a 5year old could almost link a computer to the video editing desk to add such a vital teaching aid, to what claims to be an instructional video!!!!!!!!......
Short plug for Veals rig wallets once they have finished looking at the pre-made rigs..... The End.....
Additional Comments:
Even with the poor quality visuals of this video, and the almost criminal lack of diagrammatic support, for the money, I would still have to recommend this video to the novice/beginner sea angler.....
An Instructional Video. Presented by Dave Box and Nigel Ainscough.
Featuring: Rough Ground Rigs, Hooks, Hook Selection, Wishbones and Cascades.....
Cost: 6.95 UKP
This video comes in a very simple packaging with the above details on the front, and introduction about the presenters and the video, at the back.
Unfortunately it would seem that the fundamental flaws that plagued the first "Rigs" video, have not been addressed....... in the first instance, there is again no summary sheet and diagrams to give clear instruction to the viewer.... again one feels that a valuable opportunity has been missed / wasted.......!!!!!!!!
The Video: (Time in Minutes approx.)
0 - 3 mins:
Veals mail order promotion.......
3 - 4.30 mins:
Dave Box introduces the video on, specialised rigs and hook selection, along with his co-presenter Nigel Ainscough. The presenters are sat behind a blue covered table, with a large pin board with rigs behind the pair....
4.30 - 5 mins:
Nigel explains why special rigs maybe needed for rock fishing.....
5 - 10 mins:
The Pully Rig: talk about the usefulness of this rig, and use of the impact shield, along with Breakaway leads for rock fishing. Show Pully Rig with pennell, and how it works..... how ever, they fail to clearly show how the rig is fully constructed, in any real detail......
10 -13 mins:
Sliding power gum rig, with the use of bait stops explained... a few useful tips along the way, but again no construction details or diagrammatic representations....
13 - 15.30 mins:
Up and over, clip down rig, for long snoods... could again do with more constructional detail and diagrams..... short discussion about advantages to distance casting, and the rig design required....
15.30 - 17mins:
Nigel returns to the Pully Rig, and attempt to explain it's construction.... but it really is rather confusing, and once again would have been much more informative if it had the backing of a diagrammatic representation to work from.....
17 - 23 mins:
Rotten Bottom Rigs:
Starts with the use of a Gemini lead clip set-up, and covers the basic concepts behind the use of Rotten Bottom rigs....
Nigel then moves on to look at distance Rotten Bottoms, with the use of an "S" clip/bend....... talks about the type of hooks needed to be used with such a set-up, and the safety aspects for the use of such rigs, esp. in terms of materials used, and casting style.....
23 -28 mins:
Match Rig: the use of a clip down cascade system, and the advantages of the use of power gum.....
28 -36 mins:
Wishbones: ..... shown the basics, with a pre-made "flattie" wishbone.... Nigel then moves on to show the construction of a simple wishbone from a figure of 8 knot, after talking about the problems of getting both hook lengths the same, and having some difficulty getting his slip knots to slip!!!!!
36 - 58 mins:
Hooks: lots of basic stuff here given mainly by Dave, such as;
the shank, eye, gap, etc........ also talk about the size of barbs, small being beautiful..... cover the sharpness of hooks (thumb nail test etc...).... bend in the hooks as exemplified by Limerick and reversed hooks.....
Also discuss the merits of temper and quality, size and pattern. Kamasans and Japanese chemically etched hooks seem to come out on top (do like it when people talk the same language as me.. although I could still do with catching a few more fish!!!!).
Nigel explains that the choice of hook, is firstly dependent upon the species that he is after, and secondly the bait being used.....
58 -60 mins:
Use of baiting needles, again demo'ed by the use of the power point worm.....
60 - 64 mins:
Securing the bait to hooks: the reasons why securing of bait maybe needed..... the merits of using knitting rather than sheering elastic... , and demonstrates the use of elastic on a Jelly worm!!!!!
64 mins:
The End
65 mins:
Small plug for Nigel Ainscough for Casting Tuition.....
Final Comments:
Some useful tips, and hints are contained in this video..... however, all through the video, one felt let down by the lack of constructional detail for the rigs that were being presented, along with the total absence of any form of diagrammatic support.... neither of which is really acceptable for a video that once again claims to be an instructional one!!!!!!!
Rock Hopping Mad.. Ed Schliffke on Bass Fishing
Run-time 90 Mins
Cost 17-25 UKP
The front cover sports a picture of Ed holding a very nice bass with a rocky
sea backdrop behind.
The back of the video case has the following statement:
"90 exciting minutes capturing the humour and tension while fishing the very
productive coasts of Cornwall".
The short introduction continues about Ed, in terms of saying that he has fished for over 30 years, and taken two bass of over 10lb. The methods to be shown on the video include, the use of prawn, fly, ledger, and plug fishing. Also given is the address and telephone number of Ed's Angling Centre.
0 - 1.20mins
Introduction with helicopter shots of the rocky cliffs and golden sands of
the Cornish coast. Ed gives a talk-over about the types of fishing to be
had in Cornwall.
1.20 - 1.30mins
Shots of the Treyarnon Angling Centre ---- Ed's centre of business.
1.30 - 2.20mins
Get to see the cameraman and sound engineer looking high and low for Ed,
in a variety of locations, whilst Ed gives a voice over of the sorts of things
that he could be up to, such as collecting bait, teaching people to fish,
or even fishing himself...
2.20 - 2.30mins
Rock Hopping Logo....
2.30 - 3.50mins
Ed makes a face to face welcome, and restates what he does ..... a cue for
a plug / promo for his business.... starts off with the collecting of
Peelercrab first , and we get to see Ed collecting them from tyre and slate
traps ....
I think a great opportunity was missed here to give / show information about the quality, state of readiness, preparation and storage of this bait. The mounting of this bait onto the hook could also have been covered in this section, rather than waiting until much later into the video.
3.50 - 6mins
Razorfish --- Ed collects razorfish at low-water on a spring tide, using
salt on the key-hole shaped blow holes..... a good little sequence this,
with the shell fish popping up out of the sand ..... Ed even collects a large
clam, and shows the care required to dig and extract this bait.
6 - 10.05mins
Sandeel netting - see the setting, netting, and capture of this bait-fish,
with participation and commentary by Ed. We get to see the sandeels being
taken back to the "Shed", with a brief sequence on their packing ready for
Again a missed opportunity, in terms of perhaps showing how one could obtain live sandeels oneself, rather than just using frozen bait. The storage of frozen eels during fishing, and maybe showing how to mount them on the hook, rather than waiting until the end of the video.
10.05 - 14.30mins
Ed takes a group out fishing ... no details or commentary, just shots of
the rock fishing party of anglers, landing a variety of fish, including garfish,
wrasse, rays, mackerel, and pollack. This is obviously a sucker sequence
to wet ones appetite for what one hopes will be ahead....
14.30 - 18mins
Bass Fishing.......
Ed's plugging on a rock platform, and fishing with him is his son, Nick.
Ed talks about his first ever fish ... a bass, and then goes on to say something
of his biggest, which was 10lb-10oz. Ed confesses to his love of catching
fish, which he feels prevents him solely specimen hunting.
We get to see Ed hooking into a bass of around 2lb, which promptly spikes
him, as he unhooks it, to show to the camera..... you can see Ed's obvious
delight at having caught a fish, even as he throws it back, for another day...
18 - 20.45mins
Off to a south coast Bass mark near Par. This mark was suggested by the Cameraman
(a fisherman in his own right)... Ed gets that sinking feeling about the
mark, whilst trying to float fish live prawn ----- I really wish that they
had used this as an opportunity to show us the float rig being used in detail,
along with the ways that the prawn could be presented on the hook, rather
than leaving it until the end of the video.....
Ed's fishing with Mick and Lee, who both opt to ledger crab ..... Lee catches
a bass of around 2lb, first cast.... but again the technical information
is frustratingly postponed..... the fish is placed in a nearby rockpool to
Ed gets snagged, and losses his float gear, much to the amusement of his
two fellow anglers...... the cameraman asks Ed what happened...... the swift
reply and look delivered by Ed, shows that he is none too pleased with this
20.45 - 27mins
Another south coast venue, again suggested by the cameraman at the mouth
of the River Fowl. Fishing with Ed is Russ Symons, again both trying live
float fished prawn. Ed and the cameraman have a chat about the venue etc.....
again no technical details of bait presentation or rig set-up...... they
decide that they have arrived at the wrong state of the tide, and that things
are against them, ie noise from the ferry, lack of other fish such as mullet
etc.... Russ changes over to fly fishing for bass (again no technical details
given), whilst Ed continues with the float fished prawn ........ they blank....
27 - 34.30mins
Change of venue ... the sand bars of the Camel estuary........ here we get
to see Russ fly fishing in the surf, whilst Ed and Russ talk about Russ's
passion for fly fishing ..... discuss the techniques of line retrieval, should
a fish take the fly, but little is said about the fly fishing technique,
or the tackle being used, apart from the line pouch that Russ uses whilst
retrieving / working the fly...... they contrast this method with others
such as plugging, and decide that fly fishing must be the ultimate challenge
to catch Bass....
Shots of Russ still fly fishing ...... but they blank again......
34.30 - 36.30mins
Move to the the gullies of Treyarnon later in the day ...... Ed starts plugging
with a Rapala J13, and takes about how he sees fly fishing for bass, and
the conditions required for success ..... shots of Russ casting his fly ......
but at the end of the day ... they blank......
36.30 - 42.45mins
Next day ..... fishing off the rocks again ... the conditions are windy and
the sea is roughing up ... lots of white water about ........
Russ continues to fly fish, whilst Ed plugs with the J13 again ..... Ed draws
first blood, with a bass under 2lb ..... but a bass none the less.....
Ed's in again... and talks about plugging with Rapalas, and the use of landing
nets ... however the conditions are such that Ed brings the fish over the
gently dipping rock platform.... a nice fish of between 2.5 to 3lb.
The conditions get worse, and Russ is forced to change to a sinking line
and fly ...... but it's Ed who has another fish, but losses it just as he
is landing it .... Ed estimates it to be A fish of just over 2lb.....
42.45 - 48.30mins
They decide to move off to a small sheltered shingle cove...... unfortunately
Russ has no wadders with him, and is unable to wade out into the surf and
fish properly .. despite this, and to his credit, he persists with the technique
...... Ed's in again, although it's only a small fish.....
Russ moves onto the rocks at the side of the cove, and into deeper water , itÕs getting dark as dusk draws near...... he's in..... the waves are crashing upon the rocks below his feet ..... Russ plays the fish towards the waiting landing net .. the operation is not easy in these conditions, but they manage with a little effort they land it for him ..... it's a fish of about 1.3/4lb .... Ed returns with another larger bass in hand ..... there are happy faces all around ... hard work but worth it in the end...... :-)
48.30 - 51-30mins
Ed talks about the types of venues to be fished around the Cornish coast
for Bass..
Ed starts to fish from a rocky mark about 20mins from his home ..... looks
nice, with lots of white water and rocks .. sets up with a J13 blue Rapala,
and adjusts the clutch on his reel....
Ed then makes the following statement..." if fish are there in any numbers,
I should have one, first cast.."
Ed blanks on his first cast, turns to camera ...." they're not there in any
number!!!!!". ;-)
Ed makes comment upon the problems of weed and plugging, whilst removing a small amount from the retrieved Rapala. He decides that this deep water mark is not going to produce fish, as dusk is approaching, and the fish will be moving closer in shore, to feed......
51.30 - 57.25mins
Ed moves off to meet up with his South African friend, Mike, and fish a shallower
Ed takes about the joys of plug fishing for bass, and we get to meet
Ed gets into a bass, but it's small, so he returns it, and for his troubles
is spiked by it!!!!!
The sun is starting to set, and Ed's in again ..... but it's another small school bass .... Ed now stars to hit bottom as the tide ebbs away ... he decides to move to another gully further on, for slightly deeper waters ..... he has a hit, but no connection .. the fish strikes a second time..... it's a fish of around 2lb caught in water of only 18" or so... Ed unhooks it and returns it....
57.25 - 59.30mins
Ed decides to join Mike, who is fishing using a big centre-pin reel .....
Mike has had 3 fish, the largest up to 3lb. Ed decides that it is too dark
for plugging, and sets up to ledger crab like Mike...
59.30 - 60mins
Ed says a few words about Mikes individualistic style of fishing!!!!!
60 - 62mins
Night has fallen and Ed has another small bass .....goes over and chats to
Mike ..... has a go at Mike for his casting style, and the fact that he is
using 35lb line straight through...... Mike retorts with the fact that he
has the better fish!!!!!
62 - 70mins
This is a retrospective insert of a night fish, a few years previous........
First cast, and Ed's into a big fish...... gets stuck, but Ed can feel the fish still on ..... Ed's a little confused, as he cant understand what the fish is snagged on..... moves position, and frees the fish..... plays the fish and lands it ...... shows it to the camera .... nice fish just under 8lb.
Ed has another fish, this time on ledgered crab .....
Then mike lands a good bass, then Ed, then Mike again ...... Ed gets stuck into another really good fish ..... in the end, out of 17 fish, 6 are over 6lb..... mouth watering stuff!!!!!
70 - 74mins
Back to the present, and the night fish goes on......
Mikes into a bass....... Ed's into a Bass..... breaks surface some distance
out .... Ed gets really exited... manages to get it out of the rocks ....
it's a nice fish of around 5lb ... Mike has one of 4.1/4lb.
The fish are weighed and shown to the camera, before Ed and Mike walk off
into the night.....
74 -76mins
Ed ponders the vext question of where he will fish... now that all his students
are fishing his marks!!!! ...... shot of a group of anglers fishing on the
rock platform, that we've seen Ed fishing before...... Ed contemplates the
joys of fishing alone.......
76 - 77mins
Ed thanks all those that took part in the making of the video.....
77 - 85mins
Fact File ... Technical details of rods, reels , line, terminal tackle, the
presentation of baits, and use of techniques, in the video......
85 - 86mins
Warning about the fin spikes and razor sharp gill covers on bass......
86 - 87mins
Brief talkover on fishing holidays and a couple of places to stay.......
87 -89mins
Future Rock Hopping Videos ... with a nice shot of a conger in a pool, snapping
at someones fingers as they feed it!!!!!!!!
89 -90mins
Credits, and ends with a shot of Ed holding a big bass.......
Final Comments:
A really nice video this ... Ed Schliffkes enthusiasm for fishing is infectious.... made me want to grab my fishing gear and drive 90 miles to the sea, and start after those bass straight away ......
The only problem I had throughout was the lack of technical detail.. and kept shouting at the TV screen ...." Yer, but how exactly did you do that..***?@/!!..." etc, etc.... The fact file at the end addressed this problem to a degree, but why exactly this information was withheld until the end of 90 minutes, and not at the start of each technique section, is beyond me ......
IÕm also less than happy about the price .... 17.25UKP is a lot of money, and one gets the feeling that it's an inflated price because of the subject ..."BASS FISHING"..... especially when compared to the cost of other seafishing videos!!!!!!....
Having said this, it's probably one of my favourite fishing videos, with a reasonable range of methods covers for shore caught bass....... just what the doctor ordered on those cold, less than productive days of February and March, after the Cod have gone, and the Bass have yet to arrive.........
Some of the other Videos to be reviewed:
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