Sea Trout
Fact File:
Common Name(s):
Scientific Name:
Usual Size:40-50 cm
UK Record Weights from
MAFF Minimum Size: Shore:
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Identification: The sea trout is a migratory form of the familiar brown trout. This is a muscular, rounded fish, with silvery colour and a variable amount of dark blotches on the upper body, which can extend below the lateral line. In general, the sea trout is stouter than the salmon, and broader at the neck of the tail (it is said that when held by the tail, a sea trout will slip through the fingers, while a salmon will hold steady). The "fatty" adipose fin, characteristic of salmonids, is present between the dorsal and caudal fins, and the relatively indistinct lateral line is straight. The breeding male is darker, with increased spottedness and a distinct upward curvature to the lower law.
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