Leopard-spotted Goby
Fact File:
Common Name(s):
Scientific Name:
Usual Size: UK Record Weights from rod/line: Shore: Boat:
MAFF Minimum Size: Shore:
Boat: |
Identification: Medium-sized goby (a family of small fishes with a notorious reputation of being difficult to differentiate, characterised by a pair of dorsal fins, a pelvic fin fused into a weak suction cup). This is the most striking of the British species as the orange blotches are conspicuous in contrast to the coloration of the other species which is usually cryptic to match a background of rock or sand.
Breeding: Habitat:In rocky areas below low water mark and only rarely found intertidally in the proximity of deep water. Food:Small crustaceans like caprellids, worms. Range: Off the coasts to the south and west of Britain only. Western English Channel only.
Additional Notes: Information wanted: Please send any records of this fish, with location, date, who discovered it, how it was identified, and any other details to Glaucus@hotmail.com All messages will receive a reply.
Additional Link: Update to Range: you mention: Range: Off the coasts to the south and west of Britain only. Western English Channel only. |
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