Blonde Ray
Fact File:

Common Name(s):
Blonde Ray

Scientific Name:
Raja brackyura

Usual Size:
15lb to 25lb

UK Record Weights from rod/line:

Shore: 32lb.8oz

Boat: 37lb.12oz

MAFF Minimum Size: Shore: Boat:

A short snouted ray, the outer angles of the wings are almost right-angles. The adults backs are covered with prickles, the young are smooth except for the front edges of body. large eyes, a row of spines runs down the back and onto the tail on small specimens but are restricted to the tail on adults, with lateral spines only showing on adult females. Colour: on the back a light fawn to brown with many small black spots which extend to extreme edge of disc, also has a few indistinct larger creamy spots. Underside is white.

Young would seem to hatch from their rectangular horned egg cases during the summer.

Normally found in less than 100m and shows a preference for sandy grounds, fairly over rough ground. Makes definite local migrations often in unisexual shoals.

mainly small fish, but also crustaceans, will occasionally take Molluscs

Common on the Western and Southern Coasts of Britain as far North as the Western Isles of Scotland.

Additional Notes:

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