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Leader Knot 1.
Grinner with Half-Hitch
As with all leader knots it aims to join two thicknesses of line. The thicker leader being used to prevent crack-offs during casting. Rule of thumb: In this case yellow leader 60lb (0.75mm Diam.) with green/grey mainline 25lb (0.50mm Diam). The knot can be large, and may cause a problem with level-winds, and unprotected thumbs during casting!!! Try the Grinner with blob-end as an alternative......
One of the most common leader knots used in shore fishing is the Grinner with Half-Hitch.
10lb breaking strain for every ounce of lead being cast.
Take the leader line and tie a half-hitch at the end, but make sure you have enough line at the cut end to pull the knot tight .... but not yet!!!!!
Now thread the mainline through the half-hitch, and run it along the leader ....... you'll need about 8 to 12 inches of line...........
Now make 4 to 5 turns around the leader with the mainline, close to the half-hitch .... make the turns closer than I've done on the photographs .... it will help you greatly .. honest.....
Now bring the end of the mainline back to the half-hitch, thus forming a loop, and with enough line to then wind around the first set of turns..... another 4 to 5 turns should do it....
Now carefully hold both ends of the loop, and moisten with saliva .... if you don't moisten the knot before closure, the friction generated will damage the line!!!
Holding the loop end closest to the half-hitch, start to close the grinner, by pulling the free end of the mainline....... the coils should close, and start to lock together..... make sure the knot is well lubricated and draw it towards the half-hitch .. this is achieved by pulling the main line through the half-hitch from the otherside........
Fully tighten the half-hitch, as the grinner closes against it .... you may need to use pliers, but a) make sure that the knots are moistened, and b) that you do not weaken the line by over crushing ......
Trim away the tag of leader, left by the half-hitch .. some people like to put a drop of super glue to stop the half-hitch slipping open when pressure is applied... I don't, so I'll leave it up to you ..........
Now trim off the tag of mainline from the grinner ... wind the leader onto your reel ... say 6 to 8 turns plus, and make sure you take into account the length of drop required from the rod tip, before cutting the leader from it's spool .............
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