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Le Fret 12th Aug 2000
GR: 592,467
Drove over to Chris and picked him up having had 3 hours sleep from the fishing the night before!!!! .... Chris was still asleep when I arrived, so I gave him a buzz on the mobile.... instead of answering the phone in the bedroom, he apparently shot out of bed and ran for the phone down in the lounge..... in so doing tripped and fell down the stairs, and hurt is right shoulder!!!!!!
Anyway, after a cup of coffee, we got in the car and drove over to the nature reserve around 5.30am, just as the dawn was starting and at the same time as high water.. parked the car, and walked down to the headland.. We had decided to plug only, with the hope of bass or pollack, or mackerel / garfish if they showed ...
The morning turned out to be sunny with a north westerly wind around force 2 to 3 .....
Started to fish around 6am across La Potroune.....
went to my bag to get another lure ten minutes later, only to suddenly feel a sharp pain on the top of my right hand..... looked down and saw a wasp injecting it's sting between my thumb and first finger ..... this was obviously going to be a day of the walking wounded, Chris with his shoulder and me with a balloon sized thumb (well not quite, but it felt like it!!!!!!!).
6.12am ...... had a small bass come chasing after the slither, but again no strike ..... I wonder how many times I've written that statement over the past few weeks!!!!!!! :-(
8.00am..... Chris managed to hook into and land a small pollack of around 12" .... couldn't take a picture as I'd moved away to fish across towards Les Meles .....
Chris soon joined me there.... but nothing doing ..... very little to be seen bait fish wise, and the rippling of the water made seeing any surface activity impossible.....
By 10.30am we'd had enough .. I tried a small bit of limpet on a hook, just to see if there were wrasse/pollack about ..... got some nice bites, but couldn't hook anything ... something to do on a return trip with ragworm and some small hard backed crabs.....