Folkestone Rotunda Beach 23nd Aug.1997

After the previous night and with a fishing comp. on the pier, we (Tony, Karen, and myself) decided that we would fish beside the pier behind the Pilot house for Bass.

Set up around 7.30pm or so. Left Karen and Tony to feather for mackerel (for bait / Karen's freezer). That afternoon I had just bought 2 matching pike rods from a friend of Tony's to replace a carp rod I'ed snapped the previous week at West Bexington (but that's another story). Put on the ABU 6500CT with 18lb line (forgot to bring the small mitchell 300) with a 25g silver Krillette and cast out from the jetty/rocks at the side of the pier. First cast ...over -run.... the rocket is not really at it's best with such light weight!!!! Second cast... Bang.... its a Bass.... played it in, and with some great work by Tony on the small beach below landed the 4lb fish. Great way to Christen a new rod!!!!!

Feathering produced no Mackerel, and nothing further on the lure over the next 45 mins. Started to get dark so we fished for small pout (to live bait with if we'ed managed to catch any!!!) and maybe sole, along with short range tackle for bass using the same baits as the previous night. I have to say it was dead out there apart from a few missed pout bites, although they could easily just have been the crabs at play!!!!. Gave up around 1am....

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