Welcome to the thoughts page.........
OK , so it's not a picture of a UK sea fish, but I liked the colour..... and as it's my web site ...................................................................
.... just a thought, but :
- Imagine what UK shore fishing would be like, if you could catch Mackerel in the 25 to 30lb range!!!!!!!!
- How many times have you seen people keep under sized fish, and not said anything.... maybe on occasions you've even done the same!!!!
- Maybe we should increase the size limits, and offer greater protection to our fish stocks.... in the long term it has to work in our favour...
- Maybe we should be asking manufacturers for something a little more eco-friendly, ie. some form of biodegradable line.... it would help wildlife, and would reduce snags, caused by lost tackle!!!!!!
- Why do I always experiment when things are bad!!!! ... only way to test ideas out is when you know that the fish are about and feeding to do a fair comparison against other techniques!!!!
- With the ever declining fish stocks around the coasts of the UK, I have a few suggestions ....
BUT .. they come as one package!!!!
Ban commercial net fishing for at least ten years.
Permanent ban on inshore netting and long-lining
Permanent ban on pair trawling / beam trawling
Permanent ban on double bagging (one net inside another to reduce mesh size)
Quotas / Limits on landings from charters
All matchfishing to be catch and release
Overhaul of minimum sizes both by MAFF and NFSA
Review of a sustainable fisheries policy, to include mesh size, quotas,
closed sessions, etc....
Quotas for commercial fishing to include the wastage of undersized /
unwanted fish ....
Beef up policing of the whole system, with fines, prison sentances, and
confiscation of equipment, materials, and property.
ALL VERY UNPALATABLE .... but the price we may have to pay for years of
greed, mismanagement, and ignorance, of a renewable, but not inexhaustable
I'll add more as and when.....
Thanks to Tony for the Midi File......
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