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Tony V. came over at 5.30pm, so that we could drive down to Deal ..... stopped off and looked at Folkestone Rotunda beach ... with the wind forecast as being N / NW force 4 /5 going on 6, I really wanted an alternative venue, if Deal looked unreasonable.... looked OK with the Cliffs sheltering us from the strong wind behind ... but strangely for a Friday night at 7.30pm, nobody was fishing!!!!
Met up with Steve Burling just outside Dover and drove down to Deal, and the Ceasers Head.. basically the southern part of Deal sea front... There was a strong / cold cross wind, so we decided to take a look at the more sheltered option of the Reculver down at Walmer..... looked like some sort of building work going on, so we decided to return to the Ceasers Head....
Started setting up eventually around 9.30pm!!!!!! High water was due around 11.30pm or so.....
Used two rods, one with a 2/0 wishbone, and the other with a pennell, baited with lug, and occasionally tipped with squid....
Nothing really happened .... Tony had a very small rockling (a bad omen at the best of times...), and I managed to land a large black plastic bin liner, much to Steve and Tony's amusement.... ;-)
The wind blew, the sky was clear .. and it was dam cold, but the large crashing waves and the full moonlight gave the night a very aesthetic quality......
11.50pm: wow ... a fish ..... 14" whiting at 3/4lb on the wishbone.....
12.05am .... just cast out, start rebaiting the other rod, when I get a super thumping bite... grab the rod .... I could feel a fish thumping at the other end, I was really worried about loosing the fish in the crashing surf, but managed to bring it in, and beach it before the undertow tore it from my tackle....nice 20" codling of 2 and 3/4lb ......
12.15am Steve has a codling of a similar size, that also weighed in at 2.3/4lb....
12.35am : Steve has yet another fish .. can see he's struggling more with it..... comes in at 4lb on the nose....
12.45am: had what I believe was a good sized fish on the pennell rig, but lost it as I brought it in :-( ...
12.50am: have the consolation (if consolation it was) of a tiny 8" pouting .. followed five minutes after recasting again by an even smaller 7" whiting!!!!! Both taken on the wishbone...
1.30am: my last fish of the night .. an 11" whiting on the pennell.....
2.00am .. decided that enough was enough, and packed up for the long drive back to Kingston......
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