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Chesil Beach
Chesil (SY 528 865) 30th March.1999
Picked Paul Davies up at his place just outside Woking around 5.30am, having managed to take a few wrong turns around Guildford!!!
Drove down to Weymouth, and on the way got more and more depressed, as the rain came down ... the forecast was for SW 4 decreasing to S or SE 2/3 by midday and clearing ... not really the weather for are target species .. Plaice .. but from reports we'd received, thought there was a chance of at least catching some doggies and a few pout ....
Arrived at Weymouth just before 8am, and made our way to the Weymouth Angling Centre, where we had ordered our bait ... 15 peeler crabs and a pound of rag each.... I still have problems estimating bait by weight than number (compounded by having been fishing big baits for cod for the past 5/6 months), and to be honest I think we over did the rag ... could have really done with just 1/2lb each .... live and learn!!!!!
The Weymouth Angling Centre is one of those interesting Tackleshops, with a blend of high ceilings and low archways .... an emporium with the qualities of a curiosity shop ..... the walls are covered from floor to the ceiling with just about every conceivable fishing nic nac, from flotation suits, rods, reels, through to weights and hooks .... all the more impressive when you step back and look at the limited floor space...... if we'd not been in a rush and I wasn't tired, I could well have stayed for an hour or more just browsing around..... I should also say that they have a very open policy about ordering bait .... order as early as possible to avoid disappointment, and should circumstance dictate that you have to cancel, then no questions will be asked, nor indeed any form of penalty for doing so....
Anyway, having collected our bait, and had our destination confirmed by the helpful staff in the tackleshop, we set off for West Bexington... and arrived just after 8.30am. For those of you not having been there, the carpark is right on the beach, and I do mean right on!! It costs all of £2 for the day, and with a small cafe behind it, and well maintained toilets, one of those easy venues, which can make it a problem esp at weekends!!!
We decided to walk over to the western end and set up just opposite the track/bridge about 300m from the carpark in order to avoid any tackle snags that may otherwise have developed from the bulk of anglers fishing straight in front of the carpark, something that was confirmed later when a local started fishing next to us..... but I digress ;-)
Set up with long flowing wishbones on an up and over rig, with beads, sequins, and size 2 hooks (Paul was using 1's), baited with crab or rag or as a combo, depending on how the mood took me.... Low water was around noon, so we'd be able to fish both the end of the ebb, and a reasonable part of the flood, on what I think was close to a neap tide.
Started fishing around 9.15am ... and the weather seemed to be slowly improving, so that by almost 10am, the sun was trying to break through... almost got wet with a freak wave, that decided to rush up the slope, and overtop the ridge on which I'd set-up .. much to Paul's amusement.....
10.00am: .. pull in to change the bait .. but meet with strong resistance, and then what feels like dead weight .... I struggle to bring the gear across the gutter at the base of the surf, and then I see what the problem is ... one rather large spider-crab, clinging onto a five bearded rockling ..... which I photographed and returned... Paul also had a small pouting at the same time.....
10.05am: Paul casts his newly baited rig ... CRACK .... he forgot to take the bail arm off, he was so busy concentrating on casting off the ground!!!!!! ;-)
10.22am: Paul has a rockling......
10.45am: Paul has a double shot ....... of rockling!!!!!
10.50am: I have another rockling .. all 8" of it!!!!
The weather starts to deteriorate, with thick mist, drizzle, and light rain .... Paul had his beach-buddy up .... I had left mine behind to cut down on weight that I would have to carry, but had a spare brolly in the car boot, so I decided to erect that, and put the gear, bait, and myself under it ..... as it happens for the duration, as the weather in terms of rain got worse, rather than the predicted improvement by the forecasters!!!!
11.15am: Paul has another rockling......
I'd brought along one of the Pike rods, and a Krillette to try out, and to estimate how much braid I would require, depending on which spool size I used, ready for the bass in a few months time ..... decided after a couple of casts that maybe I'd use the normal spool, as I was almost emptying the smaller one, and casting about as far as the beachcasters .. I really need to do something about my casting technique .. I've got very lazy since fishing off the Dover Breakwater .. may be time to find a casting instructor....
11.55am: Paul has a small 8" pin whiting
12.10pm: I bring in an 8" whiting....
12.40pm: Double shot, with an 8" pouting, and a slightly smaller rockling.....
12.55pm: Have a series of sharp tugs .... bring it in through the surf, and see the tail flip .. it's a flattie ..... but not the plaice I'd hoped for, but 14" of flounder, a shade over 3/4lb.... which I photographed and put back....
Things then went very quiet with the start of the flood, and the rain came down harder .. fun...
2.55pm: Paul pulls in an undersized bass of 12".....
3.15pm: Paul has a small pin whiting......
3.25pm: Manage a miss cast, that birds nests the line .. but as the terminal tackle virtually lands at my feet, I collect it, and decide to fish just one rod .....
Decide enough is enough, just before 4pm .. spoke to a local who just starts fishing next to us, he'd been fishing on Sat, and had 1 small plaice, whilst the majority of anglers (30 or so) had blanked ....... he also said that most of the plaice that had been caught recently were in poor condition .. early days in the session I guess ....
Drove back to Paul's, and arrived around 7pm, only to find that he'd been burgled!!!! :-( BASTARDS
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